A Message From Our Founder

Jasmine Lenore

If I could have a moment of transparency, I want nothing more than to share my heart with you…

Who I Am: My Story

If I could have a moment of transparency, I want nothing more than to share my heart with you…


Who am I is a question I tried grasping to answer for many years, but what if it’s a question that doesn’t have just one answer? 


We come from an infinite God who calls Himself I Am. We were made in His image, and other than I Am, there is no one answer that can define Him.


Therefore, I am of I Am. There is no one answer that can define who I am. I am constantly changing, evolving, and growing into the woman God created me to be at each stage and season I enter. And I’m okay with that.


It has taken me some time to get here — years of healing, forgiving, learning to love, learning to be in control and comfortable with my emotions, and more. 


Becoming mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically healthy hasn’t been a walk in the park for me. It has been a long, tiring but beautiful journey — one I hope to never forget.


I am far from ashamed of who I am and where I started. My mom died at an early stage of my life, and I’ve never had much of a relationship with my father. 


Before my mom died, I endured much, from depression to emotional abuse. I struggled with my self-esteem. I had a hard time believing I was worth much of anything. But I always had a heart of gold — a heart that desired to see people happy, healthy, and whole. The only problem was I wasn’t.


My heart always had a deep yearning for my life to be different and to do things differently than my parents. I wanted to heal, forgive, and be in control of my emotions. Ultimately, I wanted to be free. I wanted to be happy, but I quickly realized I didn’t know what that looked like.


My mom was a single parent of four. She had a rough upbringing. She experienced many things no kid should ever experience, and she did not heal from her pain. 


As a child, I didn’t always experience the best side of her, but I love my mom dearly. She did the best she could. Instead of focusing on what she didn’t do, I focus on being thankful that she gave me more than what she had, which wasn’t much. Although I came to this conclusion, I have had to face many battles because of her. In many ways, she left my sisters and me greatly wounded. 


On the other hand, my relationship with my dad, or the lack thereof, taught me forgiveness and love are better than the ashes of bitterness that were drawn from me. For many years, I sought to build a relationship with him. I wanted to feel important to him, but ultimately I was rejected. He also left me with many wounds to heal from.


I am a firm believer that our stories are our stories. They are not our faults, and it is not our fault we become who we are as children, but it is our responsibility to heal, grow, learn to love, and become who we were created to be.


God created us to love and be loved (Matthew 22:37-40). He gives us the ability to turn the ashes of our stories into something beautiful.


I love my parents and wouldn’t change them for anything. Because of my mom, I learned to see others’ pain. Her pain has taught me to have compassion. Because of my dad, I have learned that it is not his love that makes me who I am or who I need to be. Because of his pain, I have learned peace and how to protect myself. These lessons, and many more like them, are lessons I wouldn’t trade for anything. They shaped me into who I’ve always been but could not see — a beautiful soul.

Why I Choose to Do What I Do

When I began my journey, I didn’t have the necessary tools to fully heal. I didn’t know where to start because I honestly didn’t have an example of someone to make a reference to. I had to figure it out on my own. 


I consider myself, and maybe even you if you can relate, as a first-gen. We hear this phrase in college, meaning a student who is the first generation to go to college or to attend a specific school. But many of us are first-gens in some sort of way — the first-gen to heal, get married, have successful relationships, own a thriving business, etc. 


Being a first-gen is hard when you have no example, tools, or resources to become successful. Upon healing, I realized there are many people in this world like me. We all desire love and to live a healthy, well-balanced, and fulfilling life. Through God, I believe we all can, but I also realize, like me, many do not know how or where to start.


It was through my relationship with God, my education, and my experience that I managed to heal, and it is my God-given desire and purpose to give you all what He has given me so that you may also be free.


God loves us and desires for us to experience love, peace, joy, and many more of His blessings in abundance. In order to experience those things, we have to relearn some things. Like me, you are a beautiful soul created by the Beautiful I Am. So I created Love Yours Academy, a safe space for people to discover their beauty, to teach others the tools that have set me free.

My Beliefs and Mission

I believe God created us to love and be loved. It is His desire for us to love Him, ourselves, and each other. Therefore, I believe He has given us all the ability to. 


I also believe He created us to live in abundance and to experience His love, peace, joy, prosperity, and more in abundance. 


We were not created to live in misery, and we were not created to hate ourselves and each other. God is unlimited, unique, and creative. He was attentive to how he designed us, and I believe we were created to explore and enjoy His creation in harmony. But the problem with that is many of us learn from society before we learn from God. We view ourselves and each other through the dysfunctional lens of society, which has taught many of us are not beautiful.


My ultimate mission for Love Yours Academy is to 


  • Create a safe space for people to learn about themselves and others through the lens of God
  • Teach students how to practically apply Scripture to their everyday lives
  • Provide the tools needed to teach students how to be spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically balanced
  • Provide the tools and skills needed to induce self-development in order to achieve a healthy lifestyle


I know God created me specifically for this, and that is why I trust He will see me through. Love Yours Academy is only the beginning of teaching people to love God, themselves, and others, and to love the beautiful life they were given.

Love, Jaz

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