Are You Ready to Be Free?
Many times, our spirit wants to forgive, but our soul won’t allow us to prevail. And often, our struggle is due to the many misconceptions surrounding forgiveness.
Whether you are struggling to forgive yourself or others, we understand. Forgiveness is challenging, but please recognize unforgiveness only causes more pain. It keeps us bitter, angry, and stagnant, leaving us in a cycle of guilt and shame.
Your feelings are valid, but God never meant for you to live in bondage. He created you to live a life of abundance with peace, love, hope, and freedom. Struggling to forgive is not your portion. You can access your freedom through a partnership with the Holy Spirit, and we would love to teach you how.
Join us live for The Ready to Forgive Workshop. In this three-part series, we will explore the art and freedom of forgiveness. We will equip you with the tools, skills, and knowledge to forgive yourself, others, and God.
Each workshop includes a workbook, journal, and more and can be bought separately or bundled to save. Click below to explore.
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Ready to Forgive: Forgiving Yourself
Forgiving yourself can be just as hard as forgiving others, but it is possible. This workshop is designed to help you overcome the hurdles caused by unforgiveness.
Ready To Forgive: Forgiving Others
Do you struggle to forgive others? If so, don’t feel bad. Forgiving others is difficult, especially when they have moved on and you are stuck. God knows this and we do too. Join us to learn practical ways to forgive others so you can move on and be free.
Ready To Forgive: Forgiving God
Sometimes accepting the things God has allowed to happen can be hard. This allows our heart to become bitter. Don’t allow unforgiveness to keep you from God.